It is stated to Our all Respectable Clients and Prospective Clients that always place an order in respect of Your particular skin type and after having thorough satisfaction towards related product/s Reviews and List of ingredients; if You don’t have knowledge about them, search on Google or ask Us related questions and then implement a purchase.
But, once You purchased a product, kindly do not expect that We will Return/Exchange it just on the basis that it doesn’t suit you (We Return/Exchange a product if you find any issue with it within 3-4 days of receival – Check Our Return & Exchange Policy regarding this point).
Our products are absolutely safe, Mild and Gentle, But a product can be a Hit or Miss towards a particular skin type, so do not expect in any way that we will Return/Exchange a product or products towards such baseless reason.
Always do a patch test before using products on face (safe side); essentially do a patch test of skin lightening products, which include glutathione specially if your skin is going to experience this ingredient for the very first time.